Member Benefits and Resources As a member of NCBW-QCMC, in addition to the satisfaction of local advocacy work, you’ll enjoy:
Membership Information
National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., Queen City Metropolitan Chapter welcomes your sincere interest in our organization. The Chapter is comprised of a dynamic group of professional women collectively dedicated to the ideal of service to others. Our commitment to service is reflected by the Chapter’s continued involvement in community service programs designed to positively affect the Charlotte community.
To learn more about our National membership demographics, visit the National Website here.
The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., Queen City Metropolitan Chapter is a non-profit organization that advocates on behalf of women of color. We focus on empowering women to be leaders in their community and their career. And, through advocacy we work as change agents to influence public policy that promotes gender equity in health, education and economic empowerment.
Our member based organization consists of a diverse group of talented, dedicated and career oriented women. The underlying commonality that ties us together is the desire to effect positive change for black women. Members of the Queen City Metropolitan Chapter are surrounded by a group of strong, progressive women, promoting a sisterly bond that provides support and guidance, both professionally and personally.
We operate through a committee structure to address issues in the various areas of our agenda. Our standing committees are: Budget & Finance; Fundraising and Public Relations; Health; Membership and Professional Development; Political/Legislative; and Programs.
To learn more about our National membership demographics, visit the National Website here.
The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., Queen City Metropolitan Chapter is a non-profit organization that advocates on behalf of women of color. We focus on empowering women to be leaders in their community and their career. And, through advocacy we work as change agents to influence public policy that promotes gender equity in health, education and economic empowerment.
Our member based organization consists of a diverse group of talented, dedicated and career oriented women. The underlying commonality that ties us together is the desire to effect positive change for black women. Members of the Queen City Metropolitan Chapter are surrounded by a group of strong, progressive women, promoting a sisterly bond that provides support and guidance, both professionally and personally.
We operate through a committee structure to address issues in the various areas of our agenda. Our standing committees are: Budget & Finance; Fundraising and Public Relations; Health; Membership and Professional Development; Political/Legislative; and Programs.
Women interested in becoming a member of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. - Queen City Metropolitan Chapter must complete the membership process to be considered.
Please email for more information: [email protected] |
Recruitment Areas of InterestWe are looking for a "few good" professionals in the following areas of interest:
Please come and get to know us by attending our Programming!